Denne fine Navr har grønne blade med hvid kant og nyvækst med rosaskær. Er langsomtvoksende og fuldt hårfør og sælges med en stammehøjde på 1cm. Carnival Hedge Maple. Available now for online purchase!
Check Plants Lists for items we are growing this year. Since not all plants .
Bleuwood Trusted and Secured checkout with: Mastercard. Litet träd med små lönnblad som är kantade med cremevitt Köp Naverlönn hos oss! Augšanas apstākļi Latvijas klimatiskajās zonās: rietumu, vidus,retāk austrumu zona. ACER CAMPESTRE CARNIVAL.
Listovi su šareni bež –zeleni. Može se saditi pojedinačno ili u grupacijama . Ses feuilles sont vertes. A deciduous shrub with 3-lobe variegated foliage.
The leaves emerge pinkish cream maturing to green with broad white margins.
Protect from afternoon sun . Leaves 3-lobe variegate green centers with very broad white margins, new leaves . The foliage turns bright yellow in . Click here to find out more. Wolnorosnący i gęsto rozgałęziony krzew, o atr. Zobacz w e-katalogroslin. Weißbunter Feldahorn. De kroon is bolron compact en dicht vertakt.
Erable champêtre panaché, croissance lente, Nouveauté feuille panachée vert et blanc, petite . Niespotykane wybarwienie liści wyróżnia ten klon spośród innych roślin. Są one zielone z białym obrzeżeniem, co sprawia że z daleka wygląda jak śnieżna . Soft pink and white in spring changing to cream and green for. This Pin was discovered by Anne Hughes.
Discover (and save) your own Pins on Pinterest. A bright splash of color from this variegated maple will light up any shady area. Emerges with pink, cream and light green and morphs . Deze witbonte dwergvorm kan een hoogte bereiken van circa meter. Het jonge blad loopt roodachtig .
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